• Academic training

    Bachelor's in clinical psychology

    Master in counselling psychology

    MA in Public Policy (children and youth)

    Specialisations in Gestalt and Art Therapy.

    Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Psychodrama, Person-centered Therapy and more.

  • Clinical Experience

    Private Practice

    Secondary (international ) Education

    Secondary Education (Brazil)

    University training (International) - Psychological practice service

    University Hospital/SPA - Clinical Psychology

    Social projects - Psychological practice service; group facilitator and educator; develop and implement group activities.

  • Memberships

    Registered at the Dutch chamber of commerce. (KVK)

    NIP Membership. To follow professional guidelines and code of ethics, and to further demonstrate quality and work experience here in The Netherlands, I became member of The Netherlands Institute of Psychology, using the service mark of Psychologist NIP.

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